IRON FIRE Student Study Group Organized IRON FIRE Training 2022

Based on the awareness of the importance of academic writing skills for students, the IRON FIRE Student Study Group at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta organized a two-day academic writing training on Saturday, April 9th, to Sunday, April 10th, 2022, under the theme "Sharpening Academic Writing Skills of Indonesian Students".

This writing training addressed three topics simultaneously, namely training on the managerial use of the Mendeley library and techniques for composing relevant conclusions held on the first day, followed by training on techniques for finding relevant research data held on the following day. All activities were conducted online.

The writing training on the first day was led by Melaty Anggraini, M.A., a lecturer at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The first session was presented by Dr. Afrianto Daud, S.Pd., M.Ed., who is a lecturer at the University of Riau. He began the training with a presentation on the Mendeley application and how to operate it. Mendeley itself is an application for managing reference libraries that facilitates the creation of bibliography lists. After the presentation, participants engaged in practical exercises, which were then corrected by the facilitators.

Next, the second topic was delivered by a senior researcher from PSKK UGM named Dr. Sukamdi, M.Sc., who began with a presentation on how to make proper conclusions. According to him, drawing conclusions should not be done arbitrarily. There are structures and considerations to ensure that the conclusions written are relevant to the overall topic. After the session, participants were asked to write a simple academic paper with relevant conclusions on the demographic bonus topic. This second session concluded the training event on the first day.

On the second day of training, the event was facilitated by Danis Nur Azizah, a student of International Relations at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta. The training session was conducted by Hestutomo Restu Kuncoro, S.IP., MA, a lecturer at UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, who covered techniques for finding relevant research data. According to him, before searching for data or references, students should determine the problem formulation, dependent variable, and independent variable beforehand. Similar to the previous two sessions, there were practical exercises and tasks assigned to participants to measure their understanding.

The series of IRON FIRE Training 2022 academic writing training sessions concluded after a Q&A session and practical exercises for the third topic. The committee hopes that this event can assist participants in preparing academic papers, especially for various coursework tasks and competitions.
