The Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science (FISIP) of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta was established in 1993 based on the Decree of the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia No: Kep/01/II/1993 dated February 27, 1993, regarding the Organization and Work System of UPN "Veteran."
Based on the results of a board meeting on March 17, 1994, attended by the Rector, Vice Rectors, and Deans of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta, it was decided that the anniversary of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science of UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta is September 6, 1993. Simultaneously with the establishment of FISIP, the International Relations Department was opened.
In the academic year 1995/1996, according to the plan, two departments were opened, namely the Department of Business Administration (which later became the Department of Business Administration) and the Department of Journalism and Communication (which is now the Department of Communication Science). These two departments were established based on the Joint Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia and the Minister of Defense and Security of the Republic of Indonesia, No. 0307/0/1994 and Kep/10/XI/1994, dated November 29, 1994, regarding the Connection and Correspondence of the National Development University "Veteran." The academic activities of both departments began on August 26, 1995, and are considered as their anniversary.
The Education Programs available at FISIP UPN "Veteran" Yogyakarta are as follows: