YOGYAKARTA – The Rector of the National Development University (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta inaugurated 109 Additional Duty Officials and Structural Officials within the university on Friday (December 20, 2024). This inauguration is a follow-up to the establishment of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Regulation (Permendikbudristek) Number 20 of 2024 concerning the Organization and Work Procedures of the National Development University Veteran Yogyakarta, which took effect on June 7, 2024.
The Rector of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mohamad Irhas Effendi, M.S., stated that the Organization and Work Procedures (OTK) outlined in Permendikbudristek Number 20 of 2024 have been adjusted to reflect the change in the institutional status of State Universities (PTN) from a Work Unit (Satker) to a Public Service Agency (BLU).
"This change, in addition to complying with the relevant regulations, is also aligned with the future policy direction and strategy of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta," the Rector said during his speech.
The Rector added that, substantively, Permendikbudristek Number 20 of 2024 revokes two previous regulations, namely, Permenristekdikti Number 28 of 2016 concerning Amendments to the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation Number 39 of 2015 on the Organization and Work Procedures of the National Development University Veteran Yogyakarta, and Permenristekdikti Number 39 of 2015 on the Organization and Work Procedures of the National Development University Veteran Yogyakarta.
Several changes in the new OTK include the shifting of duties and functions of the Vice Rectors and Vice Deans, from previously Vice Rector 2 and Vice Dean 2 for General Affairs and Finance to Vice Rector 2 and Vice Dean 2 for Student Affairs, Cooperation, and Alumni.
Additionally, the previous Vice Rector 3 and Vice Dean 3 for Student Affairs, Cooperation, Alumni, and Planning have been changed to Vice Rector 3 and Vice Dean 3 for Planning, Finance, and General Affairs.
"The reason for the change in the titles of the vice rectors and deans is to align with the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education, particularly in academics and student affairs," the Rector explained.
The latest regulations, the Rector continued, have also been aligned with the new nomenclature changes at the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology in the Red and White Cabinet. Furthermore, Permendikbudristek Number 20 of 2024 has adjusted to the direction of Indonesia's development policy.
"Regarding the direction of strategic changes and focus strategies for UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, we have changed the Faculty of Mineral Technology to the Faculty of Mineral and Energy Technology. This aligns with the repositioning of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta moving forward, in line with Indonesia's development policy towards achieving the Golden Indonesia 2045 target and Asta Cita," the Rector explained.
In closing his remarks, the Rector expressed hope that all officials at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta would carry out their duties with full responsibility.
"I, the Rector of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, officially inaugurate you whose names and positions have been read. I believe that you will perform your duties to the best of your ability in accordance with the responsibilities entrusted to you. May Allah SWT, the Almighty God, be with us, amen," said the Rector during the inauguration and oath-taking ceremony.
The officials inaugurated include leaders from various fields, ranging from university and faculty leaders to those responsible for managing work units within the university. All officials took their oaths according to their respective beliefs.
(Author: Ulfa)