
Admission for New Student (PMB) is a routine activity carried out by universities at the beginning of each academic year. In its implementation, PMB has various selection pathways for registration, depending on the policies of each university.

As a State University, UPN Veteran Yogyakarta conducts the selection process for new student admissions with reference to the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 48 of 2022 regarding the Admission of New Students to Diploma and Undergraduate Programs at State Universities. The implementation of SNPMB (National Selection for New Student Admission) in 2023 is organized by the National Selection Team for New Student Admission (SNPMB) of State Universities, which includes three entry pathways: National Selection Based on Achievement (SNBP), National Selection Based on Tests (SNBT), and Independent Selection.

For more information about the selection process for new student admissions, you can access the following webpage.