UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Holds National Defense Seminar, Fostering the Spirit of Patriotism Among the Academic Community

The Faculty of Social Sciences and Political Science (FISIP) of the National Development University (UPN) Veteran Yogyakarta Holds a National Seminar Titled 'Reactivation of National Defense in the Digital Era' on Tuesday (November 19, 2024), as Part of the 66th Anniversary Celebration of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta."

The seminar took place at the Agus Salim Building, Campus 2 of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, featuring four speakers from various fields to discuss the urgency of national defense amid the challenges of the digital era.

The seminar's chairperson, Dr. Rosalia Dwi Fadma Tjahjanti, S.Sos., M.Si, stated that the seminar aims to instill the concept of national defense among the academic community, including new students of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta.

"Therefore, we have invited speakers from diverse fields so that we can understand how the concept of national defense applies in cultural contexts, for instance. National defense does not always have to involve bearing arms," she told Tribun Jogja during the event.

The Dean of FISIP UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, Dr. Susanta, M.Si, expressed hope that the seminar would serve as a reflective space for the younger generation to uphold the values of national defense as a foundation for achieving a Golden Indonesia by 2045, which is not only technologically advanced but also possesses a strong sense of patriotism.

"Through this seminar, we hope that the younger generation can internalize the values of national defense and apply them in their daily lives. The philosophy of UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, 'Widya Mwat Yasa,' guides us in pursuing knowledge for the good of the nation and serves as our principle in building national character," said the Dean of FISIP to the seminar participants.

The seminar commenced with a presentation by Prof. Dr. Mohd Afandi Salleh, an academic from the Faculty of Law & International Relations, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia.

He discussed the differences in approaches to patriotism between the modern Western world and the religious Eastern world, emphasizing that Eastern societies should be grateful and proud of their cultural character based on spiritual values.

Afandi also elaborated on how Malaysia implements national defense values through various approaches, including popular cultural media such as films and animations.

He stressed that national defense is a collective effort that must be instilled from an early age to strengthen national identity amid globalization.

From a communication perspective, Dr. Agung Prabowo, a lecturer in Communication Science at UPN Veteran Yogyakarta, highlighted the importance of collaboration between generations to instill national defense values.

This Communication Science lecturer explained that today's youth live in a fast-paced information flow and need guidance to use technology wisely to strengthen national identity.

The seminar also featured Colonel Sus Ir. Margono, M.Si from the Air Force Academy (AAU).

He discussed the synergy between national defense and security in the context of digital transformation. According to him, the digital era presents new challenges in the form of cyber threats that require close collaboration between civil society and the military to ensure national resilience.

Meanwhile, Mila Rosinta Totoatmojo, S.Sn, M.Sn, a cultural figure and artist as well as the founder of Mila Art Dance School, stated that art and culture play a strategic role in instilling national defense values in the digital era.

"Preserving local cultural sustainability is a strategic part of maintaining the nation's existence amid the currents of digital globalization," she explained.

She described how traditional arts can be utilized as a medium to strengthen national pride, especially through collaboration with digital technology.

Mila also reminded that in the era of globalization, local culture faces challenges in the form of commodification that can strip away its original meaning.

Therefore, she encouraged the younger generation not only to be consumers of culture but also to be active participants in preserving and promoting culture as part of the national defense strategy.

The seminar concluded with an interactive panel discussion addressing specific themes, such as the politicization of media in reactivating love for the homeland and the role of creative content in strengthening national defense values. (ard)

This article has been published on TribunJogja.com with the title "UPN Veteran Yogyakarta Holds National Defense Seminar, Fostering the Spirit of Patriotism Among the Academic Community," https://jogja.tribunnews.com/2024/11/19/upn-veteran-yogyakarta-gelar-seminar-bela-negara-bentuk-jiwa-patriotisme-civitas-akademika?page=2.
Author: Ardhike Indah | Editor: Hari Susmayanti
